our environmental approach

Long Lasting

Our kitchens will last a lifetime, with minimal environmental impact. We avoid fads and fashion, instead offering timeless simplicity with harmonious proportions and subtle details. We select materials and finishes that age gracefully and manufactured components that are engineered to last. 

Sustainable Timber

Tom’s particular passion is for wood. He is especially knowledgeable about British native species and over the years he has developed close links with local woodland owners, foresters and sawyers, who have a long-term interest in both timber production and bio-diversity. He is a member of the Tree Warden network.

Quality Components

As with wood, we choose our other materials with diligence. We aim to balance functionality, embodied energy, longevity and repairability. Our kitchens are intended to promote the well-being of you and our planet.

Low Impact

Our business runs on 100% renewable electricity, some of which we generate on-site. 

We minimise timber waste through careful selection and streamlined processes, and we then heat the workshop with the unavoidable waste. 

We keep our mileage down by working as close to base as we can, focussing on projects that are within an hours travel of Hereford.  For on-site client meetings we will arrive by bike or in our Nissan Leaf. 

Local Economy

We design and make almost everything at our South Herefordshire premises, and have a network of local craftspeople and suppliers. This supports our local economy and minimises transport emissions.